
How to Know That Your Site Can Benefit The Visitors?

How to Know That Your Site Can Benefit The Visitors?

After the site is completed offsite, you need to assemble all the pieces together. By taking into account the site’s goals and relating them with the identity of ideal site visitors, you may easily determine tangible benefits for your visitors.

Benefits can help sway visitors to buy products, use services, spread words about your business, and return to your site often. To really aware of what those benefits are, you should put yourself in the shoes of visitors and examine site from their point of view.

Before developing a Web site, you need to know what the visitors may gain from visiting your site and hopefully buying your products or services. You need to know what set your Web site apart from other competitors. For example, when building a site for your wine brewery company, you should know about your distinguishing benefits such as (a) the number of years you’re in business, (b) your product quality, and (c) your reputation among wine experts; you may highlight those details inside your site. If you fail to gather enough information about important facts at the onset of the web development project, you might have unexpected setbacks further down the line.

When determining benefits, you should find something that is advantageous, helpful, or useful and promotes or enhances prosperity, happiness, and health for your visitors.

Whereas opinions won’t necessarily offer any tangible benefits to your customers, benefits can sway customers to favor a product over another. All pizza parlors across the country will tell us it has the tastiest pizza. And to survive in the market, each parlor may have a legion of loyal customers who will support the company completely.

Having the best pizza recipes in town, only benefit the consumers only if you can improve their life, at least emotionally. Therefore, rather than boasting online about your pizza, it is more sensible to tell people about verifiable facts – and incorporate those facts into your site design – for example about your low-fat mozzarella, healthy pizza sauce made from fresh tomatoes grown at local farms, or a big slice of your pizza contains only 175 calories.

Always find tangible benefits your site can give to visitors? What will make them healthy, prosperous, and happy? Can they find anything advantageous, helpful, or useful in your site?  What would be essential to you if you are the visitor? Write them down.

To get to the visitor’s perspective you should come up with a good list of benefits, try the following example in which you can easily convert someone’s knowledge into benefits and explicitly state why visitors should choose your products and services.

Say that you are an expert digital photographer looking to grow your business by publishing your portfolio online. You have extensive field and studio experience, have won many important industry awards, have performed many fashion shoots around the country, and are willing to travel worldwide.

The benefits to people making their way to your site might include the following:

  • You are Well-Equipped, own a studio and latest digital photographic equipments, so there would be no hidden equipment charges if a visitor hires you.
  • You are Accomplished, hiring you as an award-winning photographer means a visitor can feel confident that you will deliver quality results.
  • You are Experienced, with more than ten years of experience in the photography industry, a visitor can rely on your professionalism, talent, and skills.
  • You are Global, you have traveled worldwide in the past with Sports Illustrated, Vogue, and Elle, and you are willing to travel again. A visitor can rest assured that you are ready to go anywhere for an assignment.

To determine benefits a Web site can offer, you should try asking yourself what you need to know if you wanted to

  • Find a business that sells the same product
  • Find a business that offer the same service
  • Find a professional with the same experience and skill.
  • Find a nonprofit agency with the same goals

You can then quickly convert the answers to those questions into a benefit statement. Additionally, think about why people might want to use your products or services and add those reasons to your list. The more accurate you can determine what will appeal to your visitors, the more you can satisfy the audience’s needs and wants.

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